Hi! My name is Yuanzhan Gao, and I am a 4th year undergraduate student at the University of Virginia (graduating in Fall 2023) double majoring in Computer Science (BA) and Economics (Financial Concentration). My interests lie broadly in the fields of Data Science and Machine Learning, and specifically how applications of such technologies can provide more efficient business solutions to the finance and management consulting industries.You can find an most updated English version resume/CV of mine here.
您好!我的名字是高远沾,是弗吉尼亚大学的大四本科生(预计于2023年秋季毕业),主修计算机科学和金融经济学。 我对数据科学和机器学习领域有广泛的兴趣,特别是如何将这些技术应用于金融和管理咨询行业,为其提供更高效的商业解决方案。 您可以在这里找到我的简历。
If you are interested in my works and experiences and want to discuss more, feel free to contact me at yg8ch@virginia.edu (work email) or jamesgao010510@gmail.com (personal email). If you are in China, you can also reach me at 1505841192@qq.com (QQ personal email for those who can't access Gmail).
如果您对我过去的工作经验感兴趣并想进一步讨论,请通过yg8ch@virginia.edu(工作邮箱) 或 jamesgao010510@gmail.com(个人邮箱)来联系我。如果您在中国无法使用 Gmail,您也可以通过1505841192@qq.com来联系我。
What is this website?
This website is simple personal portfolio of mine, which contains mostly blogs recording my past works and learning progress as well as resources I've collected which I think are helpful to those with similar interests. (Also a simple project to test my web dev skills! 😋 The website is build entirely with html/css/javaScript + jQuery with no frontend frameworks involved ... at the moment...)
You are currently at the "About" page, which contains a short biography of mine. You can go to the "CV" page to see and download the latest master resume/CV of mine. You can go to the "Project Repo" page for more information regarding the projects I've worked on before. You can also go to the "Resources" page, where you can find a list of helpful notes I've collected during my work on Data Science and Software Development for my personal usages. I am planning on adding more pages for other contents in the future.